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once upon a time


There are 1 comments for The baton.

 once upon a time "the baton"

As its name indicates, we want our house to be a relay, a stage, a time put aside for a weekend or a few weeks of holidays. In view of the layout of the house, we can comfortably accommodate 7 children. We want children, both girls and boys, to be able to adapt to a collective life. We also have a dog, a cat and chickens that are an integral part of our family. What we propose to children is not revolutionary. We will go for a walk in the forest, to the swimming pool, to see a film or to go around the market, to go to the various neighbourhood events… We will have times when we do nothing, times when the imaginary can fly away. We will of course take into account everyone’s requests and may propose to leave as a group. We want to share with the children we welcome values that we believe are essential: LIVING WELL TOGETHER The true, the authentic, the frank Working, doing your best, giving yourself the means to achieve your goal Sense of family, friendship Notions of gift, gratuity, sharing, cooperation, exchange, money Enable them to move towards autonomy The Sense of Fairness, Justice The commitment We are well aware that this will only happen in the long term. But as Mark Twain so aptly put it, “They didn’t know it was impossible, so they did it.” The idea of the permanent relay pleases us enough. To be a figure of attachment without too much consequence, without stake or conflict of loyalty. It is also a relay for colleagues who need to recharge their batteries to meet the needs of the children entrusted to them. We want to propose a team effort, a partnership with the main objective of the well-being of children.

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