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The story takes place in an alternate 1788 France, where the nobles have the power of magic. A story where you rewrite the correspondence of Juliette, her husband Henri, and the others in the story. The fascinating thing about this approach is that this is basically a game about writing - you recompose the story and explore different parts through that rewriting.
Worth reading.

From the description:

Juliette has been banished for the summer to a village above Grenoble: a few Alpine houses, a deep lake, blue sky, and no society.

Now she writes daily to her husband. She tells how she went for a walk and ended thigh-deep in mud, how the draft comes in around the window, how extravagantly she has spent on new gloves, how she misses Paris.

She plans her letters on ordinary pages, but when they are ready, she copies them on paper whose enchanted double is hundreds of miles off. The words form themselves on the matching sheaf in her husband's study. No time is wasted on couriers.


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